‘E’ Disposition - Excellence
Excellence could never be overrated. Excellence is something businesses should strive towards. Even when the temptation is there to cut corners when funds are tight. Excellence in the manufacturing of your product or service and in delivery of your customer service will pay off. People recognize and appreciate excellence. Developing a reputation of excellence will typically lead to referrals. Beyond the payoff, excellence is the right thing to do. Don’t you expect excellence when you are purchasing a major product or service? Therefore, shouldn’t you give what you yourself expect?
Years ago, I was hosting a fundraising show and I had secured a variety of local talent at no cost. The hope was that those participating would get more exposure. One of the organizations that was providing talent was Lovely U Clothing. They had brought in several models and were putting on a fashion show during the program. The night of the show, the turnout was less than expected. I approached the owner Darese King and let her know that I would be fine, if she did an abbreviated show. In essence since I had not delivered on getting a large audience there for the exposure, I felt bad that she had brought a full team out. Her response is something that I will always remember. She told me that she was going to do the same show for a few, that she was going to do for many. That’s excellence!
Next week we'll discuss 'F' Disposition - _ _ _ _ _ .
Stay tuned!
Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives - choice, not chance, determines your destiny. --Aristotle